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Distancecalculation.info — calculate the distance!
The calculation of the distance between any cities and towns on the world map produced using the API Google Maps.
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Check the distance between any cities in England on a map of the world.
This calculator will calculate the distance - http://distancecalculation.info/
between the cities on a map of the world will always help anyone
who wants to know the exact distance between the cities and countries of the world.
The calculation of the distance on the map of the world is possible!
In a straight line - as if you were flying in an airplane.
On the roads - always choose the most optimal route by road.
Walking - the calculation of distance is carried out on public roads with a speed of 5km / h.
Cycling - the distance calculation is carried out on public roads with a speed of 20km / h.
Александр Котов, подозреваю, что информации о заболеваниях, которыми страдали в Средневековье крайне мало еще и потому, что к медикам...